
Pasta - Italian classic


And one of the main dishes in the world famous cuisine. And really, you can’t do without it!

Translated from Italian, "pasta" means "dough." What is it, this dough? The most diverse! It turns out that there are more than 350 different varieties of pasta, which is traditionally prepared from durum wheat and water. But there are varieties where eggs, spices, natural dyes are added. Pasta can be fresh (pasta fresca) and dry (pasta secca): as a rule, fresh is cooked at home or in restaurants, kneading the dough on their own, and dry is bought in stores.
Pasta is so beloved in the world that it has even been honored with its holiday. October 25 is World Pasta Day.
Pasta contains an average of 160 to 345 kcal, depending on the type.
What kind of sauce?
Sauce is the soul of Italian pasta, it is he who determines the taste of the dish as a whole. The simplest sauce recipe is olive oil mixed with finely chopped garlic. Ideally, the paste should absorb the sauce. Its long varieties are especially good with sauces of delicate consistency, for example, based on cream, and short ones with large holes will ideally complement sauces with pieces of meat, fish, seafood and vegetables.
The pasta is easy to prepare, it blends perfectly with many products.
Choose the right one
► Choose only durum wheat pasta.
► Cook without covering. Take water at the rate of 1 liter per 100 g
paste.If there is not enough liquid, then the dish will turn out tasteless.
► Thin and short pasta is better to pour slowly into the pan so that
they did not stick to the bottom. Do not break long ones, but fan them out.
► The prepared pasta should be thrown into a colander and let the water drain, stirring with a wooden spoon. In no case should you wash the paste.
The article was published on the materials of the magazine "Good advice" 5/2014
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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