
How do Oral-B brushes help children brush their teeth more effectively while enjoying the process?


Dentists advise children to brush their teeth from the moment the first tooth appears.

You can’t treat milk teeth as “temporary”, because caries of milk teeth can negatively affect the teeth of a permanent bite, which means that you have to put fillings and restore teeth since childhood. Quality fillings are often quite expensive and require future replacement. Prevention of oral problems is clearly not only more beneficial to health, but also cost-effective.
Moms often complain that with all their desire, they are not able to brush their teeth sufficiently high quality to the child. If we are talking about a child under 3 years old, a more frequent visit to the dentist for professional hygiene is the solution. But from the age of 3, without exception, everyone can safely recommend Oral-B electric toothbrushes with reverse-rotation technology. Numerous studies have proven that 90% of children brush their teeth longer with the new Oral-BVitality toothbrush, because it was developed jointly with dentists specifically for children, taking into account all the structural features of the child’s oral cavity.
Firstly, the attractive design with the Disney characters "Frozen" arouses initial interest in children and a desire to get acquainted with the product.
Secondly, Oral-B children's electric toothbrushes are convenient for use by both parents and the children themselves. They help to teach a child how to brush his teeth as efficiently and easily as possible, because they do not require a study of brushing techniques. After all, even adults often use the wrong brushing technique when brushing their teeth with an ordinary manual toothbrush.
Baby electric toothbrush Oral-B Stages Power Frozen makes 7000 rotational movements. The brush is absolutely safe for soft and hard tissues of the oral cavity, while removing more bacterial plaque than a manual toothbrush. It is important that the round shape of the cleaning head allows you to remove plaque from all sides of each tooth, preventing the appearance of tartar and caries. The rechargeable battery holds a charge of up to 5 days (when used for 2 minutes in the morning and evening).
Thirdly, the peculiarity of the new product from Oral-B is that, together with Disney, the free MagicTimer application was created. The app really teaches children the right cleaning technique. To teach a child to brush his teeth at least 2 minutes 2 times a day is a very important and difficult task.
The application has several useful functions at once:
1. Ability to create an individual profile with your favorite Disney heroes:
2. A special timer that gradually “clears” the picture, motivating children to brush their teeth for at least the recommended two minutes:
3. The reward system for regular cleaning and fearless trips to the doctor:
4. Albums with achievements:
The brush has an induction charging station, and the brush handle is waterproof, which makes its use in the bathroom safe.
The kit includes a nozzle with the characters "Frozen":
1. The shortened extra soft bristles are ideally suited for children and do not injure gums;
2. The round shape of the nozzle helps to clean every tooth from all sides; For an excellent result, the nozzle should be changed every 3 months.
With Oral-B children's electric brushes, 90% of children brush their teeth longer and better, and it is precisely the habits formed in childhood that often determine the quality of later life.
Oral-B is the No. 1 toothbrush brand used by most dentists in the world *. Choose quality oral care products and don't forget to visit your dentist or dental hygienist at least twice a year.
Buy Oral-B Stages Power Frozen children's electric toothbrush in Magnit Cosmetics in June and get a chance to win the journey of your dreams.
