
The aromas of lust - perfume or illusion?


Somewhere far, under an enchanted garden, behind countless impregnable doors, not knowing the rest, the craftsmen work, creating their fragrant masterpieces.

Catching the sensual haze of memories, they will captivate vibes in thousands of crystal bottles. The boundless magnificence of nature, intertwined with the unearthly mysticism of memories, creates an indomitable mysterious beauty. The sweet breath, exciting the heart of the garden, as if pulsating in the sleepy air, merging into one legend of sweet fragrant lusts languidly dormant in confinement. Each priceless fragrance is placed in an intricate confusion of tiny vestibules in which they sweetly doze, in the hope of awakening. Waking up, they take off, without words conveying the magic of their enchanted world. Masters carefully choose those who are destined to enter the vestibule of their mysterious workshop and inhale the sweet smell of pleasures, bringing harmony, arousing curiosity and inciting imagination; able to give strength, generously bestow and give a blessing to its owner, and then, through him and the whole world.
The aromas of lust are inspired by these unearthly vibes. Each of the three unsurpassed sensual fragrances of Rouge Bunny Rouge, gives wonderful unforgettable moments in an enchanted garden.Every little drop is pierced through with its magic and beauty.


The first sweet notes inevitably fascinate. Hypnotic vibes, which cannot be resisted by the alluring charms, entail along a mysterious path full of deceptive turns. Sparkling, bewitching, eternal, like a light play of rays of light on the surface of the water, the notes of a multifaceted aroma dance between light and shadow, creating the illusion of a garden during a thunderstorm, enticing you with dark alleys, strewn with petals, torn off by the wind. Inside, deep in the heart of the fragrance itself, behind a fluttering transparent veil breathing crumbly sweet coconut, you will be seduced by the sunny smell of fresh peaches and fig tree leaves. Earthly pleasures, insidiously whispering about danger, are hidden behind a beautiful shell of deceptive innocence. Enjoying the warmth of the skin, the fragrant mantle of fruits, foliage, earth and flowers, bordered by musk and smoky vetiver will captivate with its mystery.
Top notes: green foliage fig tree leaf
Middle notes: peach, coconut, violet
Lower notes: vetiver, musk


Insidious and refined. Submit to this bizarre fragrance with the fiercely blooming passion of a wild orchid. Lemon, hidden in the floating bubbles of bergamot, evokes languid pleasure. Flashing for a moment, bright notes of citrus and coconut, saturated with milk freshness, illuminate the appearance of the orchid itself, like a queen surrounded by a retinue: delicate jasmine, lily and rose. The glossy sheen of sandalwood and cedar, with captivating vanilla and musk, create a calm, sensual finish. The shimmering veil of aroma conceals all the impudence and mysticism of Chatoyant. Wear it like a precious brooch.
Top notes: bergamot, lemon
Middle notes: orchid, jasmine, rose, lily of the valley
Lower notes: sandalwood, cedarwood, vanilla


Be tempted by the sweet haze that envelops the skin and teases your senses with its appeal. The proud rose, the lily of the valley shining with white, and the morning freshness of violets are so brilliant that they reject the insistent embrace of dusk. A discreet coolness of black pepper attracts, captivating with the aroma of apples, cinnamon and fresh leaves. This invigorating bouquet, quietly drifting on the soft vanilla waves with every breath of its rich ripeness, awakens a warm and cozy feeling of returning home. Each fragile flower, musk and light wood merge, dissolving in each other, giving inexhaustible beauty to this truly feminine elixir.
Top notes: bergamot, cinnamon, violet leaves, black pepper
Middle notes: green apple, lily of the valley, rose, violet
Lower notes: cedar wood, musk, sandalwood, vanilla
Photo: PR
Material prepared by Julia Dekanova


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