
Caution, sharp corners: how to turn a corner with a regular thread


One of the most difficult tasks in the process of sewing cuffs and collars, which beginners encounter, is how to carefully turn the corners of the parts without damaging the sewing line.

Using the most common thread, this can be done easily and simply. Such a sewing trick will save you from alterations and ugly corners in small details.

How to process a cut of a sleeve with an oblique trim

Step 1

Fold the parts with their faces facing each other.

For the convenience of this operation, line the line exactly according to the marking, or at the same distance from the sections of the part.

Step 2

When reaching the corner, raise the foot, while leaving the needle in the fabric.

Step 3

Lift the corner of the part and lay the thread across so that it is between the two parts close to the last stitch.

Step 4

Lower the foot and sew the last stitch before turning.

Step 5

Raise the foot, expand the part

and pull both ponytails up,

and then hide them between the parts.

Step 6

Lower the foot and continue stitching.

When reaching the next corner, repeat the thread operation.

How to make a yoke back in a shirt blouse

Step 7

Both stitches for twisting the corners are between the parts.

Step 8

Cut the corners diagonally

and trim the allowances.

Step 9

Turn the part to the front side.

Step 10

Gently pull the threads and twist the corners.

Remove the thread.

Step 11

Sew the part with oblique stitches.



Author of the master class and photo: Julia Dekanova
